Egghead Wordle

Why are these words important to the story? 


Underwear- Shane beats Will  up and then puts him in his underwear

Injuries- Will gets injured when he fell from skiing

Turtleneck- Shane makes fun of the turtleneck the will has

Friendship -Katie and Will have a good friendship

Bullying- Shane and brad bully will 

High schoo-l the book takes place in a high school

Bullying- Will all wess gets bullied

Sad- will is very sad he gets bullied

Worrying – Katie worries when will gets bullied

Jenna- Katie’s friend and a bystander

Bystander- Jenna Isabella

Accident- when Will was in a coma

Disappointed- Katie and Will are disappointed at the end

Katie- one of Wills friend and one of the main characters

Samurai Ant- there’s a whole page about

Abuse- Riley abuses Shane and that’s why he bullies Will

Mad- Shane and Brad are always mad

Science Fair- one off the most important thing in the story

Devan- a bystander and the main character

Will- the kid who gets bullied

Why did you choose to make your word college? Because I  love word collages.

If you were doing this project again, how could you make it better?I think I would make a better font for the word collage and add more details.

What would you do differently next time? Add more details and  make a better font.


7 thoughts on “Egghead Wordle

  1. Hi Maor,
    I liked the wordle! I think that the words that you picked were meaningful and really summed up the book. If I didnt pick the video, I would have picked the wordle. Good job!


  2. Hi Maor,
    I liked your post. I liked how the words connected to the book and you wrote about those connections! I liked the wordle! Great job!

  3. Great job Maor! Really nice post, I really liked how you did a wordle! it is the first one I have seen, so something deferent is good.
    Great job!: Sasha

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